Track Elysium Star 2

The Elysium Space mobile app remains operational on devices where it was previously installed, maintaining full functionality on phones or tablets. However, it is no longer feasible to reinstall or install the app on new devices, as it was removed from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store in 2022. This removal was based on the stores’ assessment of the app as ‘outdated,’ despite its continued optimal performance.


There is still the option to track the Elysium Star 2 cubesat by utilizing third-party applications. While we do not have any direct affiliation with the companies listed below, we can suggest the utilization of a website or a mobile app for this purpose. The Elysium Star 2 cubesat is integrated with the Spaceflight Industry Lower Free Flyer platform and is assigned the satellite catalog number “43760”. It is listed in the satellite catalog as “ELYUSIUM/LOWER FREE FLYE” (Note: The misspelling of ELYSIUM as ELYUSIUM was made by NORAD).

  • “Satellite Tracker” application developed by Vito Technology (available for purchase)
    Search for the satellite catalog number “43760” then click “Load more”, which will list the “ELYUSIUM/LOWER FREE FLYE” satellite, then click “Track”.

Any application capable of satellite tracking, whether by name or catalog number, will be suitable for this purpose.